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CEOs of OpenAI, Google and Microsoft to join other tech leaders on federal AI safety panel
The US government has asked leading artificial intelligence companies for advice on how to use the technology they are creating to defend airlines, utilities and other critical infrastructure, particularly from AI-powered attacks.
Tourists’ Google lawsuit
US tourists who were attacked in Nyanga are taking Google to court.
Google Ads API Version16.1 Now Out
Google released version 16.1 of the Google Ads API yesterday. The update includes query assets for Demand Gen, more location service details, more support warnings, Target ROAS bid simulation and more.
Google & YouTube – Unsere Maßnahmen im Superwahljahr
Im Vorfeld der Europawahl und anderer wichtiger Wahlen haben Google, YouTube und Partner heute ein Paket von Maßnahmen vorgestellt.
Google to Fix Privacy Issues on Android TVs
Android TV users at risk: Privacy loophole allowed email access; Google swiftly rolls out security updates.